Yalyn Blog for anything that is GreySky

An explanation behind the 55th webcomic

It’s no joke. This has been planned for more than a year, because, it was bothering me for more than several years ever since I started this webcomic.


Yalyn is the name of the author for GreySky.

Yalyn is the name of the protagonist for GreySky.

That’s the problem.

While it might be obvious, (for some I believe,) Yalyn isn’t really my name, it’s a nickname I started using ever since I entered into the whole Internet sort-of-things. The same is like-wise for the protagonist of GreySky, the guy with the spikey black hair. Yalyn isn’t his real name either.


I liked the whole 3-letter system I went for my characters so I thought it’s time to have a permanent change on both Yalyn and Sayara. Now all the major characters have 3 letter names.


Yalyn is a name I made up when I was creating my very first character for Phantasy Star Online. I wanted to create an original name rather than seeing the 100th Sonic character name or even Sephiroth for the millionth time. While my previous username I go by is Number 2 (SonicNo2 even further back) in PSO forums … the rest of the websites out there? I just go as Yalyn. It sort of grew on me. It’s kind of normal to take a persona of character that you’ve created. But the thing is that I now have to separate the character and me because I am no longer role playing that character, I am a storyteller (narrator of the character’s action.) In tabletop gaming terms, I am the Game Master, not the Player Character.

As for the protagonist. The character do have a reason why he prefer the 5 letter name rather than the short one. It’s all because of some childhood hero he liked. He liked it enough that he wanted to take that as his new nickname only then that later, Kel pushed him to switch back to his earlier nickname.

In the end:

To end this, I don’t mind if people call me Yalyn instead of Yabo. It’s just time for me to end this before things get complicated/confusing.

Thanks for reading. I hope to continue making more webcomics.